Dienstag, 13. April 2010

Here comes the sun

It's been quite some time since the last post... In the meantime, I started studying Animation at the Filmakademie in Ludwigsburg. I mainly worked on a Trailer for the Animation Festival ITFS, that will take place here in Stuttgart in May. But since I am not sure if I can show anything yet, I will step by step, fill the blog with other stuff from the last months.

Up there's another commissioned picture for my former university HdM.

Edit: I finally managed ;) to upload the little film I made for the 72h Entrance Exam at the Filmakademie. The task was to animate (design, model, rig..) a six-legged creature (esp. walkcycles).
Dennis Kopacz once again used his magical sound-design skills for this film.

Here comes the sun, here comes the summer!

1 Kommentar:

T. hat gesagt…

Sehr cool gelöst! Wahnsinn. In der kurzen Zeit mal eben so'n Filmchen rausgehauen.

